LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

Carbon Monoxide

“If we’d have had a carbon monoxide alarm that night, then Dominic would be here today.”

The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) has issued a warning to all parents on the dangers of Carbon Monoxide.

Stacey Rodgers’ ten-year-old son Dominic died when a neighbour’s faulty boiler leaked carbon monoxide gas through the wall and into his bedroom. But wherever there is a fuel-burning appliance or open fire, there is a risk of a carbon monoxide leak.

Carbon monoxide is often called ‘the silent killer’ because you can’t see it, smell it or taste it.
Children are particularly vulnerable to carbon monoxide because their bodies are smaller and not yet fully-developed. There are also concerns that low level exposure to carbon monoxide can damage a child’s developing brain.

How to protect your family from carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon Monoxide – Be Alarmed! is the national campaign to reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by carbon monoxide. It sets out four simple steps:

  1. Fit audible carbon monoxide alarms in every room with a fuel-burning appliance;
  2. Ensure that appliances are properly ventilated at all times;
  3. Ensure that all fuel-burning appliances (such as boilers, cookers, and fires) are regularly serviced; and
  4. Get to know the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning.

You can find even more information, hints and tips to help protect you and your family from carbon monoxide poisoning on at the CAPT website.

Last updated: 30 November 2016

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