Would you know if your child was being sexually exploited?
Click here to find out more and download the new 'toolkit' - specially designed to help parents/carers spot the signs of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and keep their children safe.
Click here to find out more and download the new 'toolkit' - specially designed to help parents/carers spot the signs of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and keep their children safe.
The NSPCC have launched a new online guide that reviews and reports on websites that may be risky for children and young people.
For parents, carers and young people, being asked to attend a Child Protection Conference can be a difficult time. There is a lot of information to consider. Please find below leaflets about the Co...
As a parent or carer, you could have an important role to play in protecting children from this horrific form of child abuse.
Here you will find out what a Private Fostering arrangement is and what your responsibilities are.
Information for young people and people working with children on managing feelings of uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Forced Marriage is when pressure or abuse is used to make someone marry against their will.
The National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command have launched 2 important programmes that are designed to help professionals keep pace with and protect children from the changing landscape of risk.
Online safety news and advice to keep you and yourself safe online.
Important information for parents and professionals around online safety.
Whenever anyone is worried about a child, for example a teacher or health visitor, they will make a referral to the team at the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
Keeping babies, toddlers and young children safe from unseen dangers at home is a challenge for all parents and carers.
Northamptonshire Police investigate on a daily basis cases involving the sharing of explicit material on social media involving children.
It is normal for everyone to experience difficult and stressful periods in their lives. Our children and young people are no different. At these times, with the right support and guidance, they can...
We have compiled a list of useful guides and links to other websites covering many common issues and concerns.
Regulations came into force on 1 April 2015 which set out the responsibilities of Local Authorities for carrying out needs assessments of Young Carers.