LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

Young Carers Needs Assessment

Regulations came into force on 1 April 2015 which set out the responsibilities of Local Authorities for carrying out needs assessments of Young Carers.

Young Carers are children and young people who are aged under 18 and who provide regular care and emotional support to a family member who is physically or mentally ill, disabled, or who misuses substances.

A child can become a Young Carer from a very young age. If a child needs to be looked after, because of additional needs or because the parent is unable to do so, this care might be taken on by a sibling, who may then be classed as a Young Carer. Practitioners working in Early Years or Education, including nurseries or pre-school, need to be aware of the signs that a pupil might be a Young Carer.

A Young Carer becomes vulnerable when the level of care-giving and responsibility to the person in need of care becomes excessive or inappropriate. This can impact on a child’s emotional or physical wellbeing, educational achievement and life chances, it can lead to:

• Problems at school, with completing homework and getting qualifications;
• Isolation from other children of the same age and from other family members;
• Lack of time for play, sport or leisure activities;
• Conflict between the needs of the person they are helping and their own needs;
• Feeling that there is nobody there for them;
• Lack of recognition, praise or respect for their contribution;
• Feeling that they are different from other children and unable to be part of the group; and
• Problems moving into adulthood, especially finding work, their own home and establishing relationships.

Please ensure that Northamptonshire Children's Trust are aware of any Young Carers. Social Workers will carry out a ‘young carers needs assessment’ and will offer help and support where needed.  


Telephone: 0300 126 7000

Young Carers Strategy

Further information is available on the Children’s Society website

Last updated: 12 July 2023

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