LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

Training for District and Borough Councils

The NSCB offers safeguarding training for staff who work for Northamptonshire’s District and Borough Councils and who have contact with children and young people.

E-Learning: 'Introduction to Safeguarding' Levels 1 & 2

All members of staff who come into contact with children and young people should complete one of the ‘Introduction to Safeguarding’ e-learning courses delivered by the Safeguarding E-Academy. Courses are free to members of the Children’s Workforce in Northamptonshire. Visit the NSCB page on the Safeguarding E-Academy to register.

‘Working Together’ and ‘Thresholds and Pathways, Early Assessment and CAF’ courses

Members of staff in District and Borough councils should also take both the ‘Working Together’ course and the ‘Thresholds and Pathways / Early Help Assessments’ course. Both are face-to-face courses and run at various locations across the county. Find out more and book a place.

Other face-to-face courses

The NSCB also run a series of specific training courses at level 3 on a variety of subject areas. Practitioners should attend courses relevant to their roles.

Last updated: 11 May 2017

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