LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

Face to Face Training

The NSCP have launched a its face to face training offer for 2024-2025 which we are pleased to say offers a range of training being run via Microsoft Teams and returning to a more traditional classroom settings.

All dates, courses and course objectives can be found on the NSCP booking site here.

More courses are being planned and will be launched throughout the year.

By signing up for any NSCP training course you are agreeing to the NSCP 2024 Training Terms and Conditions which can be found here, we strongly recommend that you read and understand these before making any booking onto an NSCP training course.

Below you will find a number of guides providing you with a step by step guide to booking a course.

How to register for a face to face training course

How to sign up for an account

How to cancel a place on an NSCP training course

Frequently asked questions about training courses:

Do the courses cost anything? 

The courses are free to all NSCP members including voluntary sector and not-for-profit organisations. For all profit making organisations please contact the Business Office for advice and charges on 07872 148334 or e-mail

Will I automatically get a place on the course I've applied for?

All courses are booked on a 'first come first served' basis. The NSCP does reserve the right to cancel any bookings to ensure the training has a sufficient multi-agency focus.

What happens if I have to cancel my place on a course?

Any delegate can cancel a place on a course by logging back into the booking system and cancelling the space themselves up to 72 hours before the course is due to start. Any cancellations less than 72 hours before the course will be charged in line with the NSCP Training Terms and Conditions.

Can I nominate another colleague to go in my place?

Yes – Although we prefer you to cancel the place a colleague can attend in your place. If you wish for a colleague to attend in your place it is your responsibility to inform the trainer and sign in on the attendance sheet. You will also need to inform the NSCP Business Office via e-mail to ensure they are sent an evaluation request and certificate.

Will my name be put on a waiting list if the course is fully booked?

Yes, you will be contacted if a place becomes available.

If more than one person from my team applies for the same course, will we all get a place?

Not necessarily as we have a responsibility to ensure that all courses have a balanced spread of agencies and roles.

Why does my manager need to know I'm attending a training course?

You need your manager's permission to attend all NSCP courses to ensure that s/he is in agreement and that the course will contribute towards your professional development.

Last updated: 28 June 2024

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