LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

100 Days of Safeguarding - Days 1-50

During 2022 and into 2023, the Partnership ran a 100 days of safeguarding campaign to reinforce existing messages, identify important local and national themes, update professionals about policies and procedures and share learning from reviews and audits. The messages were a mixture of posters, briefings and documents. The messages are aimed at professionals as well as parents and we ask that you share them with your staff and where appropriate, parents / members of the public. Messages were initially published on the NSCP Twitter profile and a copy was then added to this page which will then become a ‘one stop shop’ for all the information and links.

NSCP Twitter Account

Day 1 - Victim Blaming Language - Today’s message is an updated guide from the Children’s Society on the appropriate use of language when discussing with children their experience of exploitation. Click here to read the guide

Day 2 - Private Fostering - Do you understand what a Private Fostering arrangement is? Clcik here to find out more

Day 3 - Gambling by Young People - Are you worried about a young person gambling? Click here to read our tea break guide.

Day 4 - Young Carers - Today we shine a light on Young Carers and highlight the work Northamptonshire Carers do supporting these young people. Click here to visit their website to find out more. 

Day 5 - Medical Appointmnets "Was Not Brought" - This guide will help both health and social care practitioners to consider the implications/long term effects on children’s health, when they are not brought to health appointments. Click here to read the guide.

Day 6 - Body Image - Many young people struggle with their body image or suffer from eating disorders. There is an excellent resource on the YoungMinds website.

Day 7 - Child Au CSPR - Today we publish the Child Safeguarding Practice Review into the case of Child Au. Read the overview report and learning briefing

Day 8 - Knife Angel - The Knife Angel arrived in Northamptonshire today it will be in Northampton until May 14 when it will be moved to Corby with a brief stop in Wellingborough until May 30. Read more about this sculpture here. 

Day 9 - Radicalisation & Extremism - What is Prevent and What is it Not? Check out our 5 myth busting videos- find out more here

Day 10 - Drug Infused Sweets - A rise in the number of drug infused sweets have been seen in the county 

Day 11 - Knives End Lives - Our #KnivesEndLives material offer you a range of resources to teach young people about the dangers of knives. Click here to view the materials

Day 12 - Neglect of Medical Needs - Neglect of Medical Needs is a key area of safeguarding read more in our handy tea break guide here

Day 13 - DadPad - Not just for #firsttimedads, the #DadPad app is designed for all #dadstobe and #dads with a #newbaby in #Northamptonshire. Download for free now here.

Day 14 - Keeping Children Safe in Education - Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 has been published today. To come into force on 1st September 2022. Find out how this affects you and what you need to do to help keep children safe. Annex F provides a summary of the substantive changes from 2021. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022

Day 15 - Parental Alcohol Consumption - There are increasing concerns that a growing number of babies and children are at risk of serious harm because of the way some parents and carers consume alcohol at home. Read our guide on parental alcohol consumption here.

Day 16 - E-Learning - Do you need to update your safeguarding training? Today we launched our new Learner Management System (LMS) Check out the NSCP E-Learning offer to see whats available here.

Day 17 - Child Safety Week - This week is #ChildSafetyWeek help encourage everyone to keep #SafetyInMind to reduce the number of children and young people killed, disabled or seriously injured in accidents. Learn more here.

Day 18 - Accidential Poisoning - Every year over 200 children aged 5 or under are admitted to A&E after accidentally swallowing a poisonous substance in Northamptonshire. Find out more about preventing accidental Poisoning here 

Day 19 - National Referal Mechanism (NRM) - The NRM is a framework for identifying victims of human trafficking or modern slavery and ensuring they receive the appropriate support. Read more here.

Day 20 - Obesity - Rates of obesity have increased steadily over recent decades. Now, 1 in 3 children are overweight or obese by the time they start secondary school. Learn more here.

Day 21 - Chronologies - Chronologies are a tool to provide a timeframe to key incidents. It is a 'sequential story' of significant events in a family's history and can help practitioners understanding of a family - click here to read our handy tea break guide 

Day 22 - Drowning Prevention Week - Please watch these important video's and visit the sites on staying safe in the water. Float to Live RNLI Respect the Water

Day 23 - Child Exploitation & Sport - Sport can provide young people with fantastic opportunities and positive role models - see our guides on how sports clubs and coaches can help in our fight against CE.

Day 24 - Police Protection - Police have emergency powers to ensure that the immediate protection of children believed to be suffering from, or likely to suffer Significant Harm. Read more here

Day 25 - Forced Marriage - A forced marriage occurs when a child marries without the full consent of one or both parties, or where consent is unable to be given (due to learning/ physical disabilities). Read more here

Day 26 - Training - The NSCP has been updating and adding to its training offer, check out the courses available to you here.

Day 27 - Hot Weather Advice - In hot weather keeping our children and young people safe remains a priority. Below is some hot weather information and advice you may find useful:

- Limit time in the midday sun (11am to 3pm) as this is when the UV rays are strongest and seek out shade.
- Ensure you and children wear a high factor sunscreen and protective clothing such as a hat and sunglasses.
- Avoid travelling with children at peak times on motorways, if you have to travel take plenty of water in case you breakdown or get caught in a traffic jam.
- Ensure children are wearing loose breathable clothes covering your skin.
- Ensure children stay hydrated. Aim for a minimum of 6 to 8 cups, even more with the heat, and try to sip throughout the day. Foods with high water content can also help keep children hydrated (melon, cucumber, celery).
- Keep bedrooms cool by using a fan and/or opening windows and keeping blinds/curtains closed.

Day 28 - Rapid Reviews - Want to understand more about the Rapid Review process? Read our handy tea break guide here.

Day 29 - Cannabis - Cannabis is easier to get hold of today than alcohol with young people saying you are never more than two clicks away from a dealer who is often another young person. Read the NSCP tea break guide

Day 30 - Parents Guide to MASH - Read our parents guide to the MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) here.

Day 31 - Parents Guide to Conferences - Read our parents guide to Child Protection Conferences here.

Day 32 – CE and the Night Time Economy - The NSCP has a range of resources to help the night time economy spot and report child exploitation here

Day 33 – Signs of Safety - Signs of Safety is our approach to Child Protection in Northamptonshire, everyone working in Northamptonshire should be aware of what Signs of Safety means for them in their role. 

Day 34 - Water Safety - With the weather getting warmer again be aware of the dangers of water including open water swimming, paddling pools and more - find out more here

Day 35 - Social Media - Social Media is part of all our lives, read our professionals guide to social media for some handy do's and don'ts when it comes to managing your own accounts. Click here 

Day 36 - Conflict Resolution - Disagreements are part and parcel of our work - remind yourself how to effectively deal with them here:

Day 37 - Harmful Sexual Behaviours - The NSPCC offers a range of resources to help you understand harmful sexual behaviour. Click here to view

Day 38 - Choking Hazards - Babies and young children can easily swallow, inhale or choke on small items such as marbles, buttons, peanuts and small toys. Our top tips on choking hazards can be found here 

Day 39 – Child Az CSPR – ICYMI or need a recap, In December 2021 we published the review into Child Az - you can read the learning summary here.

Day 40 – Safe Sleeping - Plan a Safer Sleep, every sleep.

Day 41 - Good Practice - Learning from Good Practice is just as important as learning from reviews or serious incidents. Read some Good Practice Case Studies from the county here

Day 42 - Parents with Learning Difficulties - We've created a number of guides / guidance for understanding and working with Parents with Learning Difficulties read them here.

Day 43 - Reducing Parental Conflict - Today’s message is a short briefing about what we mean by parental conflict, and to note that the NSCP offer a reducing parental conflict training session for professionals. Find out more here.

Day 44 - Modern Slavery - Today’s message is about the features, effects and response to modern slavery which affects children as well as adults: The NSCP have a wealth of resources that can be accessed here.

Day 45 - Professional Curiosity - Do you question the information that you're given by care givers? Professional Curiosity has been a key theme in a number of reviews: Read out guide here

Day 46 – Voice of the Child - What do we mean when we talk about good practice in supporting the Voice of the Child. Read our chapter in the NSCP Procedures Manual here.

Day 47 - Elective Home Education - All agencies need to ensure they are aware of any children they are working with who are Electively Home Educated. Read our guide here.

Day 48 - Child Ay CSPR - In December 2021 we published the review into Child Ay - In case you missed it you can read the learning summary here.

Day 49 - Firework Safety - @CAPTcharity have partnered with Fireman Sam to bring you child-friendly safety tips to share on staying safe around fireworks, bonfires and sparklers. Click here to view the guide

Day 50 - First 50 Days re-cap - We've reached the half way point of our 100 days of safeguarding. You can re-cap on the messages so far. Keep a look out for the next 50 messages to help you keep children safe.

Days 51 - 100 will be on a new webpage which can be viewed here.

Last updated: 17 June 2024

A to Z of topics