Mandatory Reporting of FGM
Mandatory Reporting of Female Genital Mutilation for professionals working in social care, health and schools comes into force on 31st October 2015.
Mandatory Reporting of Female Genital Mutilation for professionals working in social care, health and schools comes into force on 31st October 2015.
Young people can now call and text a national helpline to discuss concerns about themselves or others in relation to CSE. It's free, anonymous, open 24 hours, 365 days and run by trained and experienced staff. Find out more...
"If you're deaf you can't phone up Childline... where I was staying there was no mobiles, no computers, no text phones, nothing..." The NSPCC has published a new report about deaf and disabled children's experiences of the child protection system.
What is breast ironing and how is it child abuse.
CE information and tools for practitioners and professionals working with children in Northamptonshire.
The NSCB is committed to protecting and supporting children and young people with more complex needs; those aged 0-25 with learning difficulties and disabilities.
Links to Domestic Abuse procedures and relevant documents
See the latest updates, strategies and contact details for Early Help:
All practitioners must have a shared understanding of how the different services and agencies work together to support Northamptonshire’s children, young people and families.
Advice for practitioners who are supporting a child/family through the Early Help Assessment and have an issue with the response of another organisation also involved.
Forced Marriage is when pressure or abuse is used to make someone marry against their will.
Professionals should use the online referral form to submit safeguarding concerns to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
The World Health Organisation refers to inter-personal violence as violence between individuals and subdivides it into family and intimate partner violence and community violence.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is illegal in England and Wales under the FGM Act 2003 (“the 2003 Act”). It is a form of child abuse and violence against women.
There are two useful websites to help professionals, practitioners and any adult working with children that are experiencing mental health issues.
What is Neglect and what is your role in preventing it.
Online safety news and advice to keep you and yourself safe online.
The nationally accepted definition of Private Fostering is when a child under the age of 16 (under 18 if disabled) is cared for by someone who is not their parent or a 'close relative'.
Here you will find details on how Northamptonshire is responding to Reducing Parental Conflict.
Signs of Safety is an internationally successful model which will transform the way we work with children and families across Northamptonshire.
Read the full version of Thresholds & Pathways Northamptonshire Thresholds and Pathways is part of a set of documents and tools designed to provide clear guidance to practitioners working with...
Access a range of NSCP toolkits to assist professionals working with children, young people and their families.
The NSCP has produced information on the procedures for identifying and dealing with the growing threat to children and young people vulnerable to violent extremism and radicalisation.
What do we mean by the term resistant families and disguised compliance?