LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

Search results

You search for the keyword 'online safety' has 10 results

  • Online Safety and Wellbeing Webinar

    Click here to view the Online Safety and Wellbeing Webinar Handout- 23rd March 2021

  • Online Safety Advice

    Important information for parents and professionals around online safety.

  • Online Safety

    Online safety news and advice to keep you and yourself safe online.

  • New online guide to websites used by children

    Do you know enough to talk to your child about online safety?

  • Interview with Simon Aston, E-Safety Officer NCC

    Hi I’m Simon Aston – E-Safety Officer Northamptonshire County Council I’ve been in post for just over 2 years now. 1. What got you into safeguarding/child protection in the first place? My previous roles, but I love it. Very ch...

  • Kayleigh’s Love Story

    You may have seen national media publicity about the case of a 15-year-old schoolgirl from Leicestershire who was groomed online last November and subsequently raped and murdered by her groomer’s next door neighbour. All criminal ...

  • 100 Days of Safeguarding - Days 51 - 100

    During 2022 and into 2023, the Partnership ran a 100 days of safeguarding campaign to reinforce existing messages, identify important local and national themes, update professionals about policies and procedures and share learning from reviews and audits. The messages were a mixture of posters, briefings and documents. The messages are aimed at professionals as well as parents and we ask that you share them with your staff and where appropriate, parents / members of the public. Messages were initially published on the NSCP Twitter profile and a copy was then added to this page which will then become a ‘one stop shop’ for all the information and links.

  • Safeguarding Themes for Schools

    Information about Children Missing Education, Bullying, Gangs, Private Fostering and Radicalisation and more.

  • Sexting - Guidance for Parents and Carers

    Northamptonshire Police investigate on a daily basis cases involving the sharing of explicit material on social media involving children.

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