LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

Child Exploitation - Information

CE information and tools for practitioners and professionals working with children in Northamptonshire.

CE Guide

The NSCP Child Exploitation Guide replaces the old CSE Toolkit. This new guide will provide you with a 'One Stop Shop' for all the information you need relating to Child Exploitation.

You can access the guide here or visit the dedicated NSCP CE Guide Webpage

Child Exploitation Risk Assessment Framework (CERAF)

The CERAF replaces the CSE Assessment Tool and should be used in all cases of Child Exploitation to help you assess and identify risk.

Visit the CERAF webpage for full deatils of the tool including how to complete and download a copy.

CE Leaflets and Resources

A number of CE leaflets and resources are available on the links below which provide detailed information for people working in the following sectors on spotting the signs of CSE and how to respond.

CSE Hotel Booklet                 CSE Taxi Drivers Booklet         CSE Licensed Premises Booklet

               CSE DSLs Booklet                CSE Community and Voluntary Sector Booklet

CE Awareness Campaign:

A county-wide campaign to raise awareness of Child Exploitation (CE) continues to run in Northamptonshire.

The campaign helps people across the county recognise the signs of CSE as well as Criminal Exploitation with a wide range of resources available from all partner organisations in county.

In addition, the campaign directly targets young people. Some children do not see themselves as victims of CEE, and the campaign aims to speak directly to those who might themselves be victims or who might see the signs in someone in their peer group.

The latest addition to the campaign is the #ImBeingExploited Film.


Last updated: 11 January 2024

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